
Do you know why intelligent people don't have many friends?

"No one will ever develop the capacity of his intellect unless he tests his life by solitude." - Thomas de Quincey

Recent research has confirmed what was only heard until now, namely that high intelligence "endangers" social life.

Research, published in the British Journal of Psychology, supports this assumption. It was made on a sample of 15,000 people between the ages of 18 and 28. They found that they were intelligent people are happier and more satisfied if they spend most of their time alone, as they consider socializing to be a waste of time and prefer to focus on other things. The happiness in their lives is therefore inversely proportional to the number of people they meet.

Intelligent people are happier and more satisfied if they spend most of their time alone.
Intelligent people are happier and more satisfied if they spend most of their time alone.

Ever since humans slowly began to transition from the hunter to the gatherer phase, intelligence began to slowly evolve. People began to adapt to living in one place. Those who figured out how to adapt were the smartest, and that's why they survived. Translated into today's language – highly intelligent people are constantly solving problems related to the improvement of life and do not have time to socialize, because it is a waste of time for them.

So if you're not overly social, don't worry - that's completely normal and just an indication that you're probably smarter than the people around you.

An interesting fact

The analysis of Facebook friends showed that a person can have more than a thousand "FB friends", but only 27 percent of them consider them relevant and only 4 percent have contact with them.

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