
Green corner - Bled - Home quality in harmony with nature

Green corner - Garden Village Shop_2

Homemade, natural, local, Slovenian. This was the guiding principle of the Zeleni koticek shop, which came to life in coexistence and harmony with nature in the embrace of the Garden Village ecological complex in Bled.

Basic information
Green corner
16 Gorenjski detachment road
4260, Bled
Monday - Sunday, holidays:
9.00 - 13.00
16.00 - 20.00
Tuesday: closed
00386 40 552 325

V small shops with great soul they give great emphasis promotion of Slovenian, because they believe in domestic quality and work local, by local, Slovenian hands. V Green corner fresh seasonal vegetables, cured meats and dairy products, honey, teas, spices, flour, cookies, potica, chocolate, spirits, juices, wines and other goodies are available. With bulk sales in the small shop in Bled, they also encourage the moderate purchase of food without excess packaging.

Green corner is primarily intended for the local population from the surrounding area, who appreciate good, high-quality and homemade. Because the shop is located in a tourist resort Garden Village, this is also an excellent opportunity to introduce Slovenian to foreigners, who are always enthusiastic about Slovenia and the Slovenian language. V Green corner and they spoil us not only with food products, but also with imaginative wooden souvenirs, Lect products, natural cosmetics and other small attentions.

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