
Don't lie and gossip, it will all come back to you like a boomerang: The Dalai Lama's Life Lessons!

"My religion is very simple. My religion is compassion. What about yours?" - The Dalai Lama

The Dalai Lama is considered a man of wisdom and love. Forgiveness and compassion for all living beings are pillars of his teachings that can change your life.

1. Be compassionate

Compassion is not religious, it is a human thing. It is not a luxury, it is essential for peace and emotional stability, it is essential for human existence. Modern research shows that the feelings we have in moments of compassion for others represent the same pleasure we experience when we make love, enjoy good food, or relax and rest. Then processes take place in the body that are beneficial for our health, stress is reduced and the immune system is strengthened.

How to show compassion? Try to understand someone else's emotions and feelings. Talk, ask questions, try to understand and share everything your interlocutor is going through. Compassion is much more demanding than kindness, because now you are emotionally attached and offering help. Show compassion to a sick friend, an acquaintance who lost a job, a grieving relative, a divorced friend, a homeless person.

2. Be kind and help others

"This is my simple faith. There is no need for temples. No need for complicated philosophy. My mind, my own heart is your temple. My philosophy is simply goodness.
Being kind and generous doesn't cost you anything, but it can bring so much happiness. Be generous whenever possible. And that is always possible.”
– The Dalai Lama

3. Find happiness

"Happiness is the meaning of life." The modern world is a big competition in which the pursuit of material goods is at the forefront. There are few messages and calls for forgiveness, compassion, tolerance, patience and kindness. While wars, hatred and dying prevail, we forget the brightness of life and all the good in it.

"The purpose of our lives is to be happy." Do not forget about good, bright values. Put them first and take the first but most decisive step on the way to finding happiness. "Happiness does not wait for us, it comes from our behavior."

4. Find inner peace

The Dalai Lama advises to take some time for yourself every day. Take time to reflect on the day ahead and banish negative thoughts such as anger, resentment, jealousy and fatigue. On your own, try to replace darkness with light and emotions such as optimism, love, gratitude and energy. The Dalai Lama believes that a truly peaceful mind is the source of happiness and good health.

5. Do not harm others

"If you can, help others. If you can't help, at least don't harm them.” Spreading lies and rumours, exploitation or even extortion are actions that will reflect on you more than on the other person. When you think of such actions, stop, take a breath, and reconsider the consequences that harming someone else could have on you.

6. Nurture friendships

Friendship should never be underestimated. Friends need love and care from you and can build trust and affection in this way. True friendships are not dependent on money, religion or political beliefs. Don't neglect real friends, as this can lead to feelings of loneliness. According to the Dalai Lama, this is one of the factors that greatly contribute to the depressed state of our society.

7. Let technology rule your life

Did you know that the Dalai Lama has over 19 million followers on Twitter? Although he himself expresses his admiration for the progress in the field of social networks, since they only help us in communication, he warns against their excessive use.

8. Don't argue, but talk

Dialogue means compromise, mutual respect of rights. In the spirit of reconciliation, it is necessary to find a real solution to the conflict and disagreement. There is no one hundred percent winner, just as there is no one hundred percent loser. This is the practical way, the only way. Regardless of whether we are talking about an international crisis or a disagreement with a partner, dialogue is the key that leads to a peaceful, non-violent resolution of the disagreement. Through dialogue, we learn the art of making compromises, negotiations, concessions, and realize that it is better if there are two winners.

9. Be gentle with the Earth

The creatures that inhabit this earth, both human and animal, are here to contribute to the beauty and well-being of the world, each in their own special way. In order for humanity to survive in the long run, we have a duty to preserve the planet as it once was. Constantly learning how to recycle waste, using alternative energy sources and continuous advancements in this field are ways that can help prevent the breakdown of our ecosystem.

10. Learn from your mistakes

"When you lose, don't lose the lesson". When something goes wrong, try to figure out what the problem was. Maybe you said something wrong, maybe you reacted too quickly without thinking it through. Maybe you didn't even think that something bad could happen. Do your best and find a lesson in every failure and learn from it.

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