
Do not return to the place from which you were once banished!

Love is not always enough. Respect each other.

Out of respect for yourself, don't go back to those who left you once and only looked at your tears and left without a word.

Don't go back to those who enjoyed your vulnerability because that way they could do whatever they wanted without fear of getting it back or stopping them in their intentions.

Don't go back to those who kept changing their feelings for you. For a moment they filled you with positive feelings, but a moment later with the worst words they could muster.

Out of self-respect, don't go back to those who ignored your calls by pretending they didn't hear or see them. They heard, but your calls for help were not their priority, not even in the top ten.

Don't go back to those who crossed the road when they saw you because there were other plans and other people for them.

Don't go back to those who expected you to always be available to them, but were never available to you themselves.

Do not return to the place from which you were once banished!

Out of self-respect, don't go back to those who showered you with nice words and gifts and cheated you wherever they could because they believed their game would last forever and you wouldn't miss it.

Have respect for your heart, which you cannot determine how much it can endure and endure. And to yourself, to the person to whom you will have to explain in the future why you kept going back to the same mistakes and why you didn't learn anything from any of them.

Always remember those things and people who once broke you, threw you into despair and depression and realize that even now they cannot bring you happiness and joy.

Trust life's experiences and you will experience fewer consecutive disappointments because people rarely change.

It's true that everyone should have a second chance, but not to be hurt again. As a precaution, check if there really is an "other" person in front of you.

Out of self-respect, don't go back where you weren't wanted.

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