
"I was a different woman - it taught me valuable lessons that changed my life."

"To err is human, but to persist in error is foolish." - Latin proverb

Blogger Selma June wrote her story on the Herway portal about what it's like to be another woman. The record will blow your mind!

Have you ever been another woman? Have you ever been in love with a man who was in love with someone else or who was betrayed? Yes? Then you understand me. Those who have never been through it will never be sympathetic and will always pierce us with judgmental gazes.

In the beginning it was very difficult for me to go out and face people, but I learned how to live with it. I still get those weird judgmental looks, but the thing is, they don't move me anymore.

Was it a mistake? Did I hurt innocent people who didn't deserve it? Yes, and again, I'm sorry. It was the biggest mistake of my life. But still, I am grateful to the universe for this experience, because later it turned out to be the most valuable lesson of my life.

I hurt others, but the person I hurt the most was myself. Fortunately, I gathered enough strength to forgive myself. And to realize the lessons that I gained through this experience, and with the help of which I was finally able to move on.

Mistakes are a part of life

Yes, I made a mistake. So what? We're all only human and we all make them at some point. What matters is what we learn from our mistakes and whether we ever repeat them.

I learned my lesson. I will never do it again because I know how painful it was, how many people it hurt and what the consequences are left behind. The most important thing is that I will never do it again, because I know that I am much better than this.

Should I let one mistake ruin my whole life? No, but I couldn't accept it. I regret what I did and only I know how much I suffered because of it. I sincerely repented, hoping that the universe would also forgive me. I left everything behind. I accepted that I made a mistake and moved on with my life.

I have to forgive myself for loving the wrong man

It wasn't my fault that I didn't know he was cast when we met. I honestly fell in love with this man and I just wanted him to love me the same way.

At first I blamed myself, but later I realized that I had to forgive myself in order to move on. In order to heal, I had to forgive my heart for loving the wrong person, for loving someone who broke my heart into a million pieces.

All men are not the same

Even after this terrible experience, I know that not all men are the same. To be honest, I didn't think like that at first. I locked my heart and promised myself that I would never let anyone find the key to it again. But now I realize that would be unfair. I deserve a man who will truly love me. My heart is unlocked again and I'm waiting for the right one.

I will never trust a man's words again because their actions are what really count

He played with both of them. In the beginning, I didn't even know that there was another woman in his life. He wanted me to fall in love with him before I knew it, and he succeeded. He knew it would be harder for me to leave him. It was just one of his sick games. When I found out I was another woman, he swore he would leave her and that I was the only woman he loved.

He took advantage of my honest feelings and manipulated me. I made the mistake of believing his false promises. But I swore to myself that I would never again believe a man's words if they weren't backed up by his actions.

“It taught me valuable lessons that changed my life.”

I will never let other people's opinions bother me again

People who knew about everything that happened blamed only me. I completely closed myself off from the world. I didn't have the strength to go out and face all the judgmental looks that followed me wherever I went. It had a huge impact on my confidence. I felt like a complete loser. I experienced so many dark thoughts and thought I would never be happy again.

Fortunately, I overcame all of that. My biggest mistake was letting other people's opinion of me control my life. I will definitely never allow this again.

I forgive the people who hurt me, but only to get the peace I deserve

I forgive him and anyone else who has hurt me. I know they don't deserve this, but I also know that I couldn't let it all go until I forgave them. Forgiving them was my conclusion. This is how I leave this story and this terrible experience in the past.

Karma is on my side

Many people asked me if I was planning to take revenge on him. No, I don't want that. Trust me, that's the last thing I would do. I believe in karma and let it do its job. I am sure she will do an excellent job. The last message I sent to this man was: "What goes around, comes around.". And I truly believe that.

I deserve to be someone's first and only choice

Even though it was one of the hardest and most painful experiences of my life, I don't let it destroy my faith in true love. I still believe that somewhere out there is the right man for me, and I still believe that our paths will cross one day.

I know I deserve it. I deserve someone who will show me what real love is. I don't just deserve to be someone's first choice, I deserve to be their only choice, and I won't stop until I find a man like that. I know it exists and I know it is waiting for me. 

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