
DRONESTAGRAM 2017: the best drone photos

In addition to a number of other functions, drones also allow the creation of beautiful shots from a bird's eye view. Therefore, it is not surprising that they are becoming more and more popular. Here are the best drone photos of 2017.

You will be able to find the most beautiful photos taken with drones on the website Dronestagram. This works by letting users vote for the photos they like the most. Photographers and videographers on Dronestagram also share drone tips.

The list was recently revealed The 20 Best Dronestagram Photos of 2017. Thousands of recordings from all over the world tried to convince the audience in a strong competition.

Winning photos were chosen on the website in three categories: nature, people and urban. They chose the winner's title with their photos Jerome Courtial, Martin Sanchez and Bachir Moukazerel.

Do you think that the listed authors deserved the triumph with their work? You can check out their creations in the gallery, along with some other photos that ended up just below the top after voting.

Gallery - DRONESTAGRAM 2017: The best photos taken with drones

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