
Easter: What does the color of Easter eggs reveal?

What is your favorite color of Easter eggs?!

Each color of pirch has its own symbolism, so think about what pirch will decorate your Easter table. What does the color of Easter eggs reveal?

Every year Catholics they cook eggs and them they paint in vibrant colors. Families with children most often paint eggs in different shades and patterns so that they make little ones happy. Creative souls make every year unique holiday decoration. Why do we do this?

Coloring eggs often associated with pagan festivals and celebrating spring because it is said to represent rebirth and new life after winter. It is said to be a custom to paint the eggs and divide them among family members. Similar tradition should also apply among the Christian peoples of Mesopotamia, who colored the eggs because they are wanted to imitate the blood of Jesus. The church allegedly adopted this tradition, which is still valid today.

Eggs are often associated with pagan festivals.
Eggs are often associated with pagan festivals.

Regardless, How do you celebrate Easter?, you should still know that there is a belief that he is right each egg color has a special meaning.



The red color has an important symbolism, associated with Christianity. Mary Magdalene is said to have visited Emperor Tiberius at the time of Jesus' resurrection to announce it. The first one should say "Christ is risen!" The emperor made fun of her and told her that the resurrection of Jesus is as real as the red egg in his hand. At that moment, the egg turned red and God is said to have announced that Mary Magdalene's testimony was true.

The color red is a symbol of rebirth.
The color red is a symbol of rebirth.

The color red is a symbol of renewal of birth, nature and the man in it. It symbolizes that of Jesus blood, which he poured out on Calvary in order to saved people from sin. The first goat, which is colored red, is supposed to represent protector of the home and families.

  • WHITE – innocence, courage and the victory of light over darkness
  • PURPLE – prestige and luxury (remembering the torture of Jesus to save the nation)
  • PINK – love and joy
  • GREEN – development, hope and life
  • YELLOW – joy

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