
Easter: how to make natural egg dyes at home

Easter: how to make natural egg dyes at home

Easter is approaching, you've already stocked up on chocolate eggs and bunnies (and probably emptied them already), eggs will need to be bought and the celebration can begin. Oops, you forgot one more thing: the ingredients to make the egg dyes you're going to make at home this year, right? If you do not know anything about the natural process of dyeing eggs, we have found the answer to how to make natural dyes for eggs at home. Patience and will, your pirchi will be the most beautiful in this land.

Every one year, as they approach Easter holidays, people around the world dye eggs in different colors. And have you ever wondered where this one comes from tradition?

There are many theories o dyeing pirchs. V the western world has established itself theory, Yes eggs symbolize again birth and life after the end winter. There is also theory, that Jesus's mother on the day of his crossings brought a basket of eggs that turned into the color red as a symbol of his blood. The story of King Edward I of England, which is in In the 13th century, he always ordered for the Easter holidays, let it be painted 450 pirchs, which they divided as a gift among the others royal households.

Eggs symbolize rebirth and life.
Eggs symbolize rebirth and life.

The theory of pyrrhs there are countless more, and you choose the one in which you want to believe. And now that we are found out, why we (probably) celebrate Easter, it's time to find out how too naturally dye the fur or how to make natural egg dyes at home, which will make sure that you it manages to create delicately colored pires and 100% natural prepared dish.

When to dye eggs - during or after cooking?

They exist two ways, how to dye eggs – hot and cold.

1. At hot dyeing method it's about yes you boil the eggs in water with natural coloring ingredients. When the water it boils, are ready. Hot way coloring pirhov is faster.

2. But you can also get started cold coloring method, in which first boil the eggs and put them in the fridge or store at room temperature. V container pour water (depending on the amount of eggs you dye at once) and leave it to it boils. Add natural to boiling water coloring ingredients and wait yes they color the water. Reduce the power hobs, cover container and let the water boil for another 15 minutes.

The natural dye is ready when it is water colored more strongly, as you wish, that they are pirchs. This is because you want it to be good nice color. In colored water add something spoons of vinegar (depending on the amount of water). Eggs soak in paint for 30 minutes. When they reach the desired color, keep them in the refrigerator.

You decide for yourself which method of preparation is better.
You decide for yourself which method of preparation is better.

At hot dyeing method it's about yes heat 'satiate' egg shell, that's why this one also they color more intensely. In the method cold coloring the color is not distributed evenly, but that's why you create pastel colored eggs. Which one the method of preparation of quiches is better, judge accordingly, as you wish, to see the finished product.

And what natural egg dyes can you use?

RED: onion peels, pickled cherry juice
BLUE: red cabbage, blueberries, grape juice
BEIGE: coffee, black tea
ORANGE: onions, carrots
YELLOW: turmeric, paprika and chili powder
GREEN: parsley, spinach, apple peels
PURPLE: Red wine
PINK: beetroot

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