
European festivals you must visit this summer (2024): Get ready for an unforgettable party!

Photo: Tomorrowland

Summer 2024 brings a diverse range of festivals across Europe, promising unforgettable experiences for all tastes. From music spectacles like Glastonbury in the UK, where the world's top artists will perform, to the electronic paradise of Tomorrowland in Belgium, where you can dance to top DJs. Art lovers will be able to immerse themselves in the cultural happenings at the Fringe Festival in Edinburgh, while foodies will be delighted by the culinary delights at various gastronomic festivals in Italy and France. Whether you're looking for music, art, food or all of the above, summer festivals in Europe 2024 offer something for everyone, while creating a unique opportunity to explore new places and meet new friends.

Festivals across Europe are off to a low start, and like true music lovers, make sure you don't miss them. The Old Continent is known for its exciting music festivals that attract crowds of visitors from all over the world every year. 2024 will be no exception, with a series of spectacular events lined up across the continent. We offer you a list of the most popular festivals, some of which are just a short drive away.

Glastonbury, Great Britain

Glastonbury is one of the most famous and prestigious music festivals in the world. Known for its diverse range of music, ranging from rock and pop to electronic music and hip-hop, Glastonbury attracts the biggest names in the music industry every year. In addition to music, it also offers many other activities to visitors, including performances, art installations and workshops.

Photo: Unsplash/Jorik Kleen

The Great Escape, Great Britain

The Great Escape is a festival dedicated to discovering new musical talents. Taking place in Brighton, it offers over 500 concerts in over 30 venues across the city. In addition, conferences, lectures and workshops are held as part of the festival. The Great Escape is such a great opportunity to discover the next music stars.

Tomorrowland, Belgium

Tomorrowland 2024 will reunite electronic music fans from all over the world in the magical Belgian city of Boom. The festival, which is famous for its outstanding production, stunning stages and unforgettable performances, promises to exceed all expectations again this year. The world's best DJs will provide unforgettable musical moments that will take visitors on an unforgettable musical journey. In addition to music, visitors will be able to enjoy various themed areas, art installations and culinary delights that add an extra dimension to the festival. Tomorrowland 2024 will definitely be an event not to be missed if you want to experience the pinnacle of the electronic music scene.

Primavera Sound Barcelona, Spain

Primavera Sound is one of the biggest and most diverse music festivals in Europe. Located in Barcelona, it offers an impressive lineup of acts ranging from alternative rock to electronic music and hip-hop. In addition to music, the festival also offers film screenings, art exhibitions and cuisine.

Photo: Unsplash/Danny Howe

Exit Festival, Serbia

Exit Festival is one of the most popular and unique music festivals in Europe. It takes place in the Petrovaradin fortress in Novi Sad and offers a wide range of music, and this year the Slovenian band Joker Out will also perform as part of the festival. In addition, it also offers various activities such as theater performances, art installations and parties under the stars.

MOGA Caparica, Portugal

MOGA Caparica is one of the most unique music festivals in Europe. It takes place on the beautiful beach of Costa da Caparica and offers an extraordinary combination of electronic music, dance and art. The festival also offers various activities such as yoga and massages on the beach, as well as exhibitions by local artists.

Photo: Unsplash/Ryan Ancill

Rock en Seine, France

Rock en Seine is one of the most famous and popular rock festivals in Europe. Crowds flock to Saint-Cloud in Paris for a range of acts from the worlds of rock, alternative and indie music. In addition to music, the festival also offers many other activities, including theater, circus and art installations.

Sziget Festival, Budapest

Sziget Festival is one of the largest and most diverse music festivals in Europe, attracting thousands of visitors from all over the world every year. The festival takes place on the island of Obudai in Budapest, which offers an idyllic setting. Sziget offers more than just music. In addition to the outstanding music offering, which includes various genres such as rock, pop, electronic music, hip-hop and more, the festival also offers many other activities. In addition, visitors can enjoy a diverse culinary offering at the festival, which offers flavors from around the world.

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