
AI chatters will be replaced by AI agents: they have the potential to take over 1/2 of all jobs right now

AI agents are the next level of artificial intelligence

AI agentje
Photo: envato elements

Stories about robots taking over work and helping us in our daily lives are no longer just the stuff of fantasy or sci-fi movies. Since the launch of ChatGPT, an AI-based chat platform, in 2022, the development of AI technologies has only accelerated and become one of the most profitable sectors in the technology industry. However, startups and tech giants seem to be slowly moving away from text-only chatbots and towards AI agents.

Imagine a world where AI software engineers not only exist, but work with you or even perform tasks independently while you sip your coffee and watch the magic happen. Devin was unveiled last month, the first fully autonomous star among AI software engineers that can design and execute complex engineering tasks, learn from experience and correct errors. Devin goes one step beyond ChatGPT and similar tools that can generate code; he designs, writes, tests and implements the codes.

What are AI agents?

Simply put, AI agents are the next level of chatbots that somehow simulate human thinking in some area. These sophisticated artificial intelligences are capable of independent learning and decision-making, allowing them to adapt to new situations and improve their performance over time. You could say that they are like very smart assistants who not only answer questions, but also anticipate needs and solve problems. AI agents are not limited to one domain; their applications range from enterprise automation to smart homes, from healthcare to the entertainment industry, where they act as autonomous players capable of playing games or performing tasks that would otherwise require human interaction. With their advanced technology and ability to adapt, they promise to revolutionize human-machine interaction.

Photo: envato elements
And it's not just Devin in the game. SIMA, an AI agent developed by Google's DeepMind, plays video games better than most of us. It learned by imitating human players and can now perform more than 600 different tasks in games, including shooting asteroids. Google believes SIMA and similar agents could soon take on other tasks, such as helping users online or managing programs.
Photo: envato elements
AI agents are sophisticated systems designed to perform specific tasks, such as vehicle management or advanced e-commerce recommendation systems, behaving in a way that mimics human thinking and decision-making. Unlike chatbots that rely on predefined responses, AI agents are capable of dynamic interaction and adapting their actions to specific user needs. Usually, their goal is to complete a certain task in the most optimal way.

The AI agent market is still in its infancy, but its full development is expected in 2025-2026. AI agents are predicted to expand their use and become present in many aspects of business and daily life, including healthcare, education and industrial optimization.

The excitement around AI technology is also accompanied by concern about ethical dilemmas, such as protecting privacy and potential job losses due to automation. Additionally, there are concerns about bias and discrimination that can arise from AI systems trained on biased data.

Still, it's not time to panic. The advancement of AI technology brings a richer, more personalized user experience, which does not mean replacing chatbots, but rather their evolution into integrated and more intelligent

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