
Are you washing black clothes wrong too? A stunning trick to keep your black clothes from ever fading

Photo: envato

Tired of your black clothes quickly losing their deep, elegant shine and becoming washed out? Don't worry, you're not the only one! Many people are faced with this unpleasant phenomenon, but there is a shockingly simple solution that will ensure that your clothes always look like new. In this article, we will reveal to you the secrets of how to keep black clothes vibrant black and prevent them from fading. Get ready for surprising tips you probably haven't heard before!

Black clothes are an integral part of many people's wardrobe, because they are universal, elegant and easy to combine. It's a real nightmare when your favorite black piece starts to turn gray, lose its depth of color and look old.

Many people wonder how they can prevent black clothes from fading and extend their life.

Is this even possible? Yes.

A user who is active on social networking site TikTok recently shared simple trick, which impressed many. He reveals how he washes black things in the washing machine to keep them black for longer.

He received her video more than 39,000 likes.

@madamesweat Here's the #easiestway to avoid yours #blackclothes from #fading 1TP10Laundryhack ♬ Happy Upbeat Piano Jazz - Upbeat Piano

The secret ingredients are vinegar and salt

Vinegar it is known for its multi-purpose properties, as it is used both for cleaning and cooking. However, vinegar can also help wash clothes. In the video, the TikTok user advises to add half a cup of white vinegar to the washing machine while washing black clothes. Vinegar helps seal the color in the fabric, preventing fading. Plus, vinegar softens clothes, which is an added benefit.

Salt is another ingredient that we use on a daily basis, but it also has hidden properties for the care of clothes. Adding half a cup of salt when washing black clothes helps fix the color in the fabric and prevent the color from washing out during the wash. Salt acts as a natural color fixative, helping clothes retain their intense black color.

Black clothes always wash separately from other colored clothes. This prevents color mixing and reduces the risk of fading.

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