
Every time you text him, you only feel more hurt inside

"Disappointments are good because they shatter illusions." - Barbara Brennan

He is not the right man for you because you are stressed every time you send him a message that he might not reply. Your heart is pounding when you hear the phone ring, you think he's calling you. But it wasn't him. You become sad.

Why do you deal with the same pain over and over again? Every time you text him, you are hurting yourself, your heart, your soul. You tell yourself that it's just a message and that it's not the end of the world if he doesn't write, but deep down you know that you're lying to yourself. That simple message means a lot to you.

You won't be able to focus on your work, your eyes and thoughts will wander to your phone, looking for his answer. After five minutes, you'll be wondering if he saw the message. After ten minutes, you'll assume he's ignoring you. After half an hour has passed, you will send him a message again. You'll be mad at yourself. You will look for ways to erase it. You will become insecure and insecure.

You shouldn't be with someone who makes you doubt your worth. You shouldn't let him make you feel like you're not good enough for him. Why do you let your day be ruined because he doesn't realize how happy he can be to have received your message?

Before you text him next time, think about how his response or ignoring will affect you. Ask yourself: does he stop responding to messages in a way that makes you feel like you wrote something wrong? Does he have a bad habit of ignoring your messages for weeks, months? If so, then don't invest any more of your time in it. Respect yourself! Go ahead. Forget about him.

With every message sent and unanswered, you give him power over you. You're giving him a chance to ruin your day, to stab you in the heart.

Do yourself a favor and put the phone down. Delete his number. Forget about him. Better send a message to yourself and start loving yourself.

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