
Great marinade for chicken meat: a secret ingredient that makes the meat more tender and juicy

Photo: envato

Why is the chicken meat dry no matter how closely you follow the recipe? The key to tender chicken is this great marinade.

It's a marinade for chicken art, which goes beyond just mixing spices and oil.

In cuisine, where ways are constantly being sought for improving texture and taste, Mayonnaise appeared as an unconventional but winning ingredient that radically transforms the perception of classically prepared chicken meat.


Mayonnaise is not just a component to add flavor; its structure and properties allow it to preserve the chicken meat during roasting juiciness.

Marinade – mayonnaise. Photo: Pixabay

chicken meat, marinated with mayonnaise, surpasses the usual results of dry and lean meat that are often characteristic of improperly prepared chicken dishes. When mayonnaise, with its proteins and fats, gently surrounds the chicken meat, it not only provides additional moisture, but also creates protective barrier, which keeps the natural juices inside the meat during cooking.

Mayonnaise also contributes to a more uniform color of the outer layer of chicken meat, golden brown shades, which are visually appealing.

How to properly use mayonnaise in a marinade?

For optimal results, it is recommended that the chicken is marinated in mayonnaise all day. This allows the flavors to soak deep into the meat while letting the mayo do its job.

Bon Appetit. Photo: Karolina Grabowska / Pexels

If there is no time to spare, even a few hours of marinating will significantly improve the structure and taste.

Your dishes will be from now on juicier, tastier and visually appealing.

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