
Exercises that relieve hand and wrist pain from prolonged computer use

Exercises for the hand and wrist, for cases of pain due to computer use.

Pain in the wrist and hands has unfortunately become an almost daily occurrence for many, which is mainly the result of long-term computer use. The main culprits are the keyboard and the mouse, which require us to make repetitive movements and thus excessively strain some small muscles. This leads to inflammation and pain in the wrist, forearm, palm and elbow, poor mobility of the fingers, etc. Dr. Levi Harrison therefore has some simple exercises for us to help relieve hand pain caused by the computer.

It is impossible to do without a computer today, which means that we are daily subjected to repetitive motions, which often put a lot of strain on the hand leading to hand and wrist pain. It is the wear and tear of small muscles, and the result is not only pain but also tingling and even numbness fingers.

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When your hand or wrist hurts from the computer, use the exercises recommended by Levi Harrison.
When your hand or wrist hurts from the computer, use the exercises recommended by Levi Harrison.

Although he is a doctor Levi Harrison hand and wrist exercises prepared especially for toys, but they also encounter similar problems programmers, designers, office workers or anyone who spends many hours at the computer, so the exercises will come in handy for anyone who is among them.

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