
Exhibition: Man Ray at Villa Manin

From September 13, we invite you to the photography exhibition of the immensely talented artist, photographer, painter and author of experimental films Emmanuel Radnitzky, better known under the pseudonym: Man Ray.

Important information
Villa Manin (Passariano di Codroipo)
Facebook event
Entrance fee
10,00 €

A rich photographic exhibition takes us to the right place artistic journey through more than 300 photographic works an incredibly talented artist and his dynamic career between the USA and Europe, which began to shine already at the beginning of the 20th century. Man Ray he did not want to distinguish life from art, interested in aesthetics and sentimentality and visual inventions.

One of Man Ray's most famous photographic works "Tears"
One of Man Ray's most famous photographic works "Tears"

Emphasizing the different expressions of the artist's style, which sometimes give the impression of confusion, the exhibition allows us to understand the elements of continuity in his works, oddities and obsessions. The artist's creativity is also expressed in experimental films, which he recorded in the 20s of the last century: Retour à la raison, Emak Bakia, Les Mystères du Chateau du dé and Etoile de mer today they unanimously belong among masterpieces of surrealist cinema. V Vili Manin we can thus expect a true emotional manifestation of a talented visual artist.

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More information: villamanin.itfondazionemarconi.org

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