
Experts advise: 6 ways to preserve a good memory

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We can all agree on how important memory is - not only does a good memory help us with work challenges, but it also makes our daily tasks easier - we won't waste time trying to figure out where we forgot our keys, put down our phone or parked our car. Research shows that our memory begins to decline after the age of 30, but there are also exercises and habits that can help us preserve it. We have prepared 6 ways for you to preserve a good memory.

Research shows that our memory begins to decline after the age of 30, but there are also exercises and habits that can help us preserve it. We have prepared 6 ways for you to preserve a good memory.

1. Read as much as possible

According to experts, it is reading an activity that can do a lot for our memory. It encourages the functioning of our brain, but at the same time "forces" us to give its own we train the memory– we don't want to forget who they are the main characters of the novel, after which we scroll or which one new information we learned from the manual.
If you are not used to regular reading, we advise you to do so you start slowly: take your hands, for example, every evening favorite fiction and read 1 hour. You will also be able to make memories with preparation of new recipes, which you found in the cookbook or on the culinary website.

You will train your memory by reading regularly Photo: Alexander Mills / Pexels

2. Play mind games

Lovers of games and puzzles like chess, crosswords and Sudoku, you're in luck: your favorite hobby can help you train your memory. You will also contribute to the health and excellent functioning of your brain by playing poker, and also card games, which require a lot of mental activity. You can also get a better memory with help word games, which you can tackle during long drives (e.g. associations, words that start with a certain letter, etc.)

3. Turn the words into pictures in your mind

There are several ways we can remember data, which we encounter on a daily basis, e.g. names of people, streets, institutions… One of the most effective for sure visualization, where you imagine each word as a picture in your mind. For example, when you meet the person who is writing Blacksmith, draw a picture before your eyes master of this ancient craft. The same applies if it is address, which you are looking for consists of words you can imagine, e.g. The Road of the Two Emperors.

The easiest way to remember the title The Road of Two Emperors is through visualization Photo: Nemanja Peric / Unsplash

4. Give meaning to numbers

Also the dates, codes, years, monetary amounts… you can remember more easily. Do this by to each digit you give a special meaning: for the year 1987, for example, you can remember that your children's first day of school is September 1st, that your niece is 8 years old, and that your lucky number is 7.
You can also help yourself with mathematics: the number 224 is e.g. you can remember that 2+2=4.

5. Get enough sleep

Experts note that they are ours brain functions directly related to quantity sleep, which we receive. We must not forget that the average adult needs 8 hours sleep at night and that it is ours health much more important than productivity.
If you have a day it fails sleep enough and you notice that your concentration and memory are worse, experts advise you to treat yourself afternoon rest, which should last 20 minutes. When you wake up, you will notice that you focus much easier and gives important information they remain in your memory. Of course, this "trick" there is no substitute for a sufficient amount of sleep, but it is a great idea for those with hectic schedule.

A good memory goes hand in hand with quality sleep Photo: Gary Barnes / Pexels

6. Do not overdo it with alcohol

Not only that excessive consumption of alcohol negatively affects our memory, but also increases ours risk of dementia. Research shows that long-term regular drinking has an extremely bad effect on both ours brain cells, as well as ours the body.

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