
Experts advise that you always put your suitcase in the bathtub at the hotel! Why?!

Photo: envato

There's a good reason why it's better if your suitcase rests in a hotel bathroom rather than a closet.

A suitcase it's the thing that can make it difficult for us to move around the airport, but we can't do without it. When we arrive at the hotel like this, we are tempted to put it away in the hotel closet as soon as possible. Be careful! Experts warn that it is best if you put your luggage right in the bathroom to begin with. Why?

Why does a suitcase belong in a hotel bathtub?

There is a very good reason not to throw your luggage on the hotel bed and place it in the the bathroom. That reason is bed bugs. Whether you're staying in a 5-star hotel or a budget motel, the threat of bed bugs is one that can ruin your vacation. And health. However, since bed bugs are known to crawl into your textiles, you can easily carry them with you throughout your trip. So put your luggage in the bathroom and then check the room for bed bugs.

Photo: envato

"When I worked in the hospitality industry, I realized that several hotels have problems with bed bugs, than you might think," Marla Cimini told Reader's Digest, who therefore advises that your suitcase will be really safe in the bathroom: "Inspect the bed and mattress by pulling the sheets from the corners and sides and checking for any any evidence of these pesky insects. It is also wise to check the drawers and pillows. It will only take you a few minutes.”

Why is luggage safe in the bathroom?

The bathroom is the least likely place where bed bugs will hang out in a hotel room. It doesn't offer good hiding places for bed bugs, and you won't find food scraps there either. Bed bugs also prefer more natural surfaces, but bathtubs and tiles do not provide this. In addition, towels and bath mats are removed and cleaned before new guests arrive.

Young delighted woman pulling suitcase in modern hotel room

And how do I know if my luggage has bed bugs?

Because bed bugs hide so well, they can easily slip into your suitcase without being noticed. To do this, use the flashlight on your phone and check your luggage before you pack and leave the room. Pay attention to creases in luggage, along zippers, under tags, and in other hidden areas.

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