
Fallacy: The Biggest Weight Loss Lie You Should Stop Believing Immediately!

Photo: Bill Oxford/Unsplash

When we decide to lose weight, we must realize that in addition to exercise, we must also reduce the amount of food we eat, even if we still enjoy it. The path to losing weight is by no means easy, and maintaining it is even more difficult. If it were simple, no one would struggle with being overweight.

One of the biggest, yet most common misconceptions you will hear about weight loss is the following: "The older you are, the harder it is to lose weight."

Digestion slows down with age. The process of metabolizing food provides the body with the calories it absolutely needs for normal functioning, so it takes place 24 hours a day, regardless of whether we are moving or standing still. It is influenced by age, genetics and level of physical activity, and the main word in controlling metabolism is muscle mass - more muscle mass means faster calorie consumption, and age does not matter.

Which they also prove studies. They showed and proved exactly the opposite of this fact. So stop blaming age for your poor weight loss success.

With the right plan, everyone can lose weight!

The aforementioned study examines the link between fatter people and their age. They found that people over 60 could lose weight as effectively as younger people if they made lifestyle changes.

Here are 10 weight loss tips that work for everyone.

1. Start every meal with a glass of water

In addition to boosting your metabolism, water will help keep you hydrated throughout the day. As a result, as well as to reduced food intake, which will help you achieve a caloric deficit, which is the basis for weight loss.

Drink a glass of water several times a day. Photo: Daria Shevtsova / Pexels

2. Start your day with a breakfast that includes eggs

Eggs are rightly considered a perfect food, they contain a lot of protein and healthy fats. Studies have confirmed that eggs contribute to reducing calorie intake during the day.

3. Drink green tea regularly

Green tea contains so-called catechins, which contribute to weight loss. Antioxidants, found in green tea, stimulate the oxidation of fats in the body.

4. Intermittent fasting

Intermittent fasting or fasting with periodic breaks, called windows, within which eating is permitted. Studies show that fasting contributes significantly to weight loss, but also has many other positive health effects.

5. Take glucomannan

It is an Asian cognac that contains fiber, which is excellent for regulating digestion and prolonging the feeling of satiety, which is important in any diet. A study showed that respondents who took glucomannan had a significantly higher rate of weight loss compared to those who did not.

6. Eliminate added sugars

Added sugars are linked to higher rates of obesity and cardiovascular disease.

7. Reduce your intake of refined carbohydrates

These are sugars and grains that have had their fibrous, nutritious parts removed. These include white bread and pasta. Studies show that refined carbohydrates can quickly raise blood sugar a few hours later, leading to hunger, cravings, and increased food intake. Refined carbohydrate intake is strongly associated with obesity.

Eggs are an excellent breakfast and aid in weight loss. Photo: Ben Kolde/Unsplash

8. Eat from smaller plates

And never add food to yourself. This simple method has proven to be very effective in reducing total calories throughout the day.

9. Surround yourself with healthy food

Throw out all the food that you know is unhealthy from the apartment and replace it with a healthy version, so that in case of hunger, you do not reach for what you should not eat.

10. Exercise

Choose an activity you will enjoy. With only 30 minutes of activity a day, you will facilitate the weight loss process and improve your general health.

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