
Fascinating sculptures from marine debris

Sculptures from marine debris

Marine litter is a global problem and seriously threatens the coastal and marine environment around the world, including here. They are not just an aesthetic problem, they are a serious threat to fish, seabirds, reptiles and mammals, as well as to boats and the coast, so calls for responsible waste management are getting louder. Art, which has always been a channel or means for reflection, criticism and awareness, has also lent its voice to strengthening the ethical attitude towards the environment. Washed Ashore, an American organization, drew attention to the issue with massive sculptures made entirely of marine debris.

Sculptures from marine debris are the work of an Oregon organization Washed Ashore, and Xandi Kreuzeder added two. Exciting works are admonition and criticism excessive use of plastic, which is the 'plague' of our planet; all the material to make these fascinating sculptures came from the seashore and not from art supply stores.

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