
Find out which song was the most popular on the day you were born

In addition to a musical time machine, the website will show you which movie was the most popular on your birthday, but you can dive into a bunch of other information to discover which Christmas carol was the biggest hit that year.

Sometimes we have an overwhelming curiosity and we simply want to find out what the music hits were in the year we were born. Playback.fm has had a fun page for several years where you can see what song really stood out on your birthday and was number one.

To find out, you need to enter your date of birth on Playback.fm, in our case, 1987 was the dominant song La Bamba by Los Lobos.

Information that you may want to know a little less and the site also offers you is the song that was the biggest hit on the day they were supposed to be conceived (assuming, of course, that your mother's pregnancy lasted exactly nine months). As in the example above, a YouTube link to that song will appear here on the page.

In addition to the music timeline, the website will also show you, which movie was the most popular on your birthday. So in our case, the most popular movie was Fatal Attraction, and Playback.fm also shows you, if you're interested, how many times you've seen the movie since you were born.

The website offers the opportunity to immerse yourself in a whole range of "greatest hits" from pop culture, so you can see, for example, which Christmas carol was the most popular that year. In 1987? Hazy Shade Of Winter (From Less Than Zero) by the Bangles.

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