
Flickr: The 10 Most Beautiful Photos of 2015

3rd place

Flickr has been a breeding ground for images and videos since 2004, and today has more than 115 million users. At the end of 2015, he, like many others, looked back and published his most "liked" and most viewed photos of the past year. The result? Extraordinary footage that even National Geographic wouldn't be ashamed of.

In the year 2015 was on Flickr loaded over a billion photos and videos, and the next 10 photos represent the crème de la crème of this global community in the coming year. The ranking was created on the basis of users' social responses, including how many times the photo was "liked" and how many times it was viewed.

READ MORE: We are amazing people 2015

If most of the photos come from of old Flickr cats, the winning one belongs to a relative stranger hiding behind a pseudonym SpaceX Photos and only created his profile at the end of 2014.

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