
Foods you should never eat if they have expired

Photo: envato

Navigating the expiration dates of perishable foods is critical to maintaining your health and ensuring the quality of your meals. Be careful about foods and expiration dates!

Some foods are particularly sensitive to expiration dates, with risks that interfere with your health. By staying informed and vigilant, you can enjoy your favorite foods safely and deliciously, without fear of the consequences of missed expiration dates.

Foods and expiration dates: foods that expire quickly

Fresh cheese

Unlike their aged counterparts, fresh cheese such as ricotta, cottage cheese and mozzarella contain moisture that makes it a breeding ground for harmful bacteria after its shelf life. Consuming it after its peak can cause diseasei's that are transmitted through food, making it a milky gut you don't want to deal with.

Photo: Grabowska/Pexels

Potato salad

Potato salad made with mayonnaise or dairy dressing, a staple at picnics and barbecues, can quickly become dangerous. When it expires deadline usability, the risk of salmonella and other bacterial growth increases. Always be careful with this creamy delight.

Fresh meat

Raw, fresh meat is highly perishable, with bacteria such as E. coli and Salmonella at risk. Eating meat past its expiration date can cause serious food poisoning. Make sure you cook it and consume it within the recommended time frame.

Photo: Malidate/Pexels

Minced meat

More exposed surface area means ground meat spoils faster than whole cuts. Bacteria multiply quickly, so it's crucial to consume or freeze ground meat by its use-by date to prevent indigestion or worse.

Cured meat products

Cured meat products such as salami and prosciutto, despite their preserved nature, can still spoil, especially after opening the package. Eating after the expiration date can expose you to various bacteria, with which you risk infection.

Photo: Stanislav/Pexels


Fresh fish should be eaten immediately because it is susceptible to spoilage and pathogens such as Vibrio and Norovirus. Spoiled fish can cause serious food poisoning, so strict adherence to expiration dates is mandatory for seafood lovers.

Fresh blueberries

These antioxidant-rich gems can harbor mold and bacteria as they begin to spoil, which can cause nausea or digestive problems. Eat them fresh and watch for any signs of spoilage before indulging.

Green vegetables

Leafy greens such as spinach and lettuce can become infected with E. coli or salmonella during decomposition. Using them after the expiration date not only reduces their nutritional value, but also increases the risk of foodborne illness.

Photo: Nadine/Pexels


Shellfish are known to cause severe food poisoning if eaten rotten. They can quickly accumulate toxins and bacteria, so observing the expiration date is key to preventing health hazards.

Sauces from a jar

Although they seem long-lasting, sauces and condiments can break down, especially once you open them. After the expiration date, mold or bacteria can develop in them, which slightly compromises their taste and safety. Always check the date and save them as recommended.

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