
For men: how to give the impression that you are younger?

Women are not the only ones concerned with their appearance. Men also want to look as young as possible. Dear gentlemen, the most you can contribute to this is yourself!

You will achieve a youthful appearance by following a few simple tips. So which 9 tricks will lead you to enviable results?

1. Do your hair.

With some effort, you can achieve a thicker scalp.
With some effort, you can achieve a thicker scalp.

Is your hair thin and sparse? Don't worry, you're not the only one. You can tackle this problem with a range of products that have been proven to improve hair health.

2. Shave your beard.

A beard will only make you look older.
A beard will only make you look older.

During their teenage years, many are fascinated by their beards. Therefore, in adulthood, the situation is reversed. Once you remove your beard, you will look a few years younger in no time.

3. Drink green tea.

Green tea has many positive effects.
Green tea has many positive effects.

Green tea has many positive properties, you can read more about it here here. Definitely enough reasons to start drinking it.

4. Use your phone as little as possible.

Smartphones have made the world crazy.
Smartphones have made the world crazy.

The use of the phone is not only reflected in the deterioration of vision, sleep and concentration. Dermatologists have recently discovered that the light emitted by cell phones can also damage the skin.

5. Get quality sleep.

Good night.
Good night.

Are you constantly under stress lately? Perhaps the reason for this lies in the lack of sleep. We recommend that you choose a slightly cooler place to sleep. Plant plants in the bedroom, and don't skimp on the mattress if possible.

6. Eat a healthy breakfast.

Blueberries hide a lot of useful things.
Blueberries hide a lot of useful things.

The way you start your day is key to continuing your day productively. For breakfast, try eating some blueberries, which are said to be a rich source of antioxidants and help regulate cholesterol.

7. Clean the home.

Spend more time in nature.
Spend more time in nature.

The air in the house is significantly more polluted than outside. This is a big problem especially for those people who spend a lot of time at home. So it might be time to start using an air filter.

8. Perfume yourself.

What perfume do you use?
What perfume do you use?

Perfumes will not help you look younger, but we guarantee that they will make you more attractive.

9. Wash your face thoroughly.

Hygiene should never be neglected.
Hygiene should never be neglected.

If your facial soap contains sodium laureth sulfate or sodium lauryl sulfate, stop using it. These chemical substances can be found in both shampoos and laundry detergents. They weaken your skin over time.

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