
Four signs that love is not mutual

If you have the feeling that your feelings are not returned (or to the extent that you would like), you should pay attention to this.

We would all like to live happily in love, we also wish that we would never be hurt, but this very desire for an "ideal" relationship sometimes leads us to great disappointments. When we are in that "pink" phase of first love, it is difficult for us to notice small signals that the other party does not share our drunkenness, because we want a "happy ending".

Marriage therapist and relationship and partnership expert, India Kang, reveals to the Daily Mail four key signs that may indicate in the early stages of a relationship that your partner doesn't feel the same way as you do.

You don't know what you're in for

“People sometimes describe their relationship as 'complicated'. Every time I hear that, I think, 'oh no,' because it always turns out that the other partner doesn't share the other person's feelings." says Kangova. Other signals that show that not everything is as you would like is the partner's reluctance, as well as the feeling that you are constantly in a "hot-cold" regime.

The person you love is never available to you

If he doesn't answer your messages, doesn't answer your calls, if he refuses them and it happens day after day, then you can't attribute it to "busy work". It simply means that your partner doesn't care about you or your relationship. In principle, you should always know what your plans are for the next time you see each other. People in love want to spend as much time as possible with each other, plan dates and look forward to them.

You don't know what you're in for.

You have been seeing each other for a while, but you haven't met his/her family or friends

This is an obvious sign. When you are happy and in love, you have to let the "whole world" know it, and the most natural move is to introduce the person who stole your heart to those closest to you. If you've been seeing someone for months and haven't met any of his/her friends, colleagues or family members, it's time to "tighten the hand".

You never heard "I love you"

A cruel but true sign. If the person you love has never told you that they love you, it's not because they're shy or "not the type to show emotions." You haven't heard that and you won't because that person doesn't love you. Well, it's that simple.

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