
Fragment 8: A retro camera for fans of old 8mm film

Fragment 8 retro camera

The Fragment 8 retro camera will try to simulate home movies from the days when we captured our moments on film.

Camera Fragment 8 takes us back to the beginning of the last century, when in 1932 the Kodak company produced 8mm film, which finally landed in home movie cameras. Let's remember Hollywood movies, in which the heroes watch old footage straight from the tape through a projector. He wants to recreate a similar recording style the team behind this new product. The Fragment 8 camera will record short clips, maximum 120 seconds long, and their appearance will of course be vintage based on the selected filter.

There will be no need to wind the camera, as it will be completely digital. It hides a small CCD sensor that will know capture movies and "GIF" animations in 720p quality or photos in format JPEG. In the basic set is hidden "basicf/2 aperture lens, but for a higher price it is different filters can be purchased and 3 lenses, which further change the appearance of the recording. It's a camera small and very portable, but one has to wonder if in a world where everyone already has a smartphone, we actually need this kind of retro device. Well, the Kickstarter team has already surpassed its goal, so it looks like the Fragment 8 camera is a desirable product. The current price is 109 dollars.

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