
French trains with interiors worthy of palaces and cathedrals

Impressionism on French trains

The interior of most trains is similar; overall, they're all dull and rather bland, with the seat covers setting the tone. Well, not in France. There, the trains are equipped as if entering an Art Nouveau or Baroque building, full of paintings and with a ceiling worthy of the Sistine Chapel. With this project, the French want to bring art closer to the masses.

Trains of the French national railways SNFC they have interiors worthy of palaces. It is a project with which they try to bring high art closer to the masses. In fact, it is a mapping of the interior of the museum d'Orsay, imitation of architecture Palace of Versailles, a permanent monument to the absolutist rule of Louis XIV, we also come across photographs of the cinema Gamount, the oldest film studio in the world, and the work of painters Camilla Pissarro and Claude Monet.

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French railways are otherwise strongly connected with art, as many lines run to museums and galleries, but now this bond has become even closer.

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