
From whom do children inherit intelligence - from mom or dad?

Photo: Andrera Piacquadio / Pexels

When a child is born, parents, relatives and friends find out who he looks like, whose eyes he has... But which of the parents will influence his mind and intelligence? From whom do children inherit intelligence?

Admit that you too have ever wondered, from whom do children inherit intelligence? When a new member arrives, parents wonder which child will be more like them. While physical resemblance is often the first thing to notice, many parents also wonder about other inherited characteristics, especially intelligence.

Scientific research has produced interesting findings regarding this question, which open the door to the world of genetics and parental influence on children's cognitive development. According to research, it appears they have mother's genes a key role in the formation of intelligence in children.

The genes responsible for the development of cognitive abilities are located on the X chromosome. Because women have two X chromosome, have a greater chance of passing these genes on to their offspring compared to men who have only one. Thus, it can be concluded that the mother's contribution to the child's intelligence is more pronounced in the inheritance of genetic characteristics.

Many studies show that children inherit intelligence from their mothers

Do the mother's genes really have a greater influence? Photo: Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels

Intelligence is said to be among the conditioned genes that must come from the mother. Studies using genetically modified mice showed that those with an extra dose of the mother's gene developed larger heads and brains but had small bodies.

In contrast, mice with the addition of paternal genes had smaller brains but larger bodies. This opens the door to understanding how inherited genetics influence brain development and, in turn, cognitive function.

What is from the mother and what is from the father?

Researchers have identified cells that contain only the mother's or only the father's genes in six different parts of the mouse brain that control a variety of cognitive functions, from eating habits to memory.

Some from mom, some from dad. Photo: Pavel Danilyuk / Pexels

Cells with the father's genes are concentrated in parts of the limbic system, which is involved in functions such as sex, food and aggression. However, the researchers found no father cells in the cerebral cortex, where the most advanced cognitive functions, such as reasoning, thought, language and planning, take place.

Research clearly shows that genetics is not the only determinant of intelligence - it is estimated that only 40 to 60 percent of intelligence is hereditary, the rest depends on the environment.

This emphasizes the importance of the influence of the environment, upbringing and experiences a child experiences while growing up in shaping his intelligence. Thus, genes are an important component, but they are only part of a wider spectrum of factors that shape cognitive ability.

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