
The funniest journalistic slip-ups of 2016

Journalistic slips 2016

Slips by journalists and leaders are commonplace. When the camera is running live, there is no room for corrections and they get out of the situation as best they know how. If you're in need of a good dose of laughter, check out the funniest journalistic blunders of 2016. Also, check out why they don't say for nothing that small children and animals aren't smart to work with on camera live.

Also journalists and presenters they are only human and even they sometimes make a mistake or slip up when broadcasting live goes on the air or something unexpected happens.

READ MORE: The biggest journalistic slips in the 35-year history of CNN

When you mess up, you mess up. There is no turning back.
When you mess up, you mess up. There is no turning back.

And even in awkward situations they try to maintain professionalism, sometimes it just doesn't work. Treat yourself to a dose of laughter by watching a compilation of the funniest journalistic blunders of 2016.

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