
Ingenious culinary tricks for real chefs

Only real chefs can cut an apple without a knife, peel eggs with a single stroke and keep your eyes from watering when cutting onions. If you too would like to be one of these master chefs, then you must know these ingenious culinary tricks and secrets!

Ingenious culinary tricks for real chefs:

Yogurt drops

Yogurt drops are a delicious and healthy snack, especially loved by children. The preparation is simple: put the yogurt in a plastic bag or syringe, squeeze out drops on baking paper and put them in the freezer for 1 hour.

Yogurt drops
Yogurt drops

Cutting onions without tears

If you don't want cutting onions to make you cry, put them in the freezer for 15 minutes before using them.

How to peel eggs quickly and easily?

Hard-boiled eggs will be easier to peel if you add a slice of lemon to the water while cooking. Even half a teaspoon of baking powder has the same effect.

How to bake without eggs?

If right before baking you suddenly realized that you ran out of eggs, you can use bananas instead. Half a banana replaces one egg, and the taste is no worse.

Perfect coffee

This trick will be especially appreciated by those who cannot start the day without a cup of fresh coffee. Add a pinch of salt and cinnamon to ground coffee before brewing. The salt helps to get rid of the bitterness, and the cinnamon adds an amazing flavor.

How to cut an apple in half without a knife?

How do you cut an apple in half if you don't have a knife? Twist the stem of the apple and remove it. Roll the apple in your palm until you find a comfortable position for your fingers. Press with the palm of your hand and use your other hand to split it in half. The apple will easily separate into two equal parts.

How to cut an apple in half without a knife?
How to cut an apple in half without a knife?

A quick way to peel garlic

Put the garlic in the microwave for 15 seconds, the peel will be easier to remove.

READ MORE: Recipe: Nutellamisu, tiramisu with Nutella

The most delicious paprika

When you buy peppers, turn them over. If you see 3 bumps it's a 'male' pepper, if there are 4 it means it's a 'female' pepper. The 'female' pepper is sweeter, so it is best fresh. The 'male' pepper is harder, the flavor is deeper, so it can be an ingredient for several different dishes.

Cutting desserts without a knife

Instead of a knife, you can use dental floss or string to divide the dessert into equal parts.

Better than french fries

If you think there is nothing better than french fries, then try this: cut thin slices into the potato, pour olive oil, put a piece of butter between the slices and salt and pepper to taste. Bake in a preheated oven at 220 degrees Celsius for 40 minutes.

These potatoes are better than fries!
These potatoes are better than fries!

Peeling potatoes quickly

If you don't like peeling potatoes, then you will like this trick: make small cuts in the potato. Pour hot water into the pot with the potatoes, put it on the stove and wait for it to boil. Pour out the boiling water and cover the potatoes with cold water. The skin of the potato will now peel off one, two, three.

Peeling potatoes quickly
Peeling potatoes quickly

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