
Gentle portraits of mothers with one-day-old newborns

Artist Jenny Lewis from London presented a beautiful series of photographs of mothers with their newborns. Sensual and touching stories, captured in a series of photographs, reveal the most intimate moments of mothers and newborns.

A series of photographs with a symbolic title "One Day Young" was born from the desire to show mothers exactly as they are and feel at that moment: tender, proud and strong. Each photo was taken at the home of the mother and her newborn, only one day old. Jenny Lewis he says it's the most natural series of portraits, which she has ever captured in her camera lens.

Each photo tells its own story: single mothers, young mothers who are not yet ready for motherhood, or mothers with a handicapped child.

The author of the photos never expected it to be a series "One Day Young" achieved such success and a good response also on the online network, where with the help of positive comments, she continued her work and successfully presented the project to the public.

In the gallery below, you can see newborns in their mother's arms, only one day old.

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