
Mom's myths that have led you to live in error your whole life

Mom's myths: they've kept us all wrong our whole lives

Did your mother teach you that sitting too close to the TV is bad for your eyes? That chewing gum stays in your stomach for seven years after you swallow it? That you can't go into the wind with your hair washed because the draft will catch you cold? If the answers are positive, it's time for new real facts.

Retaliation purpose mother's myths it is not here to tarnish the image of the mother in any way. We all know that whatever moms do, they do with the utmost love and they work only for the good of their child. Besides, none of the untrue things that were sold to us in our youth did us any harm.

Mothers and their myths!
Mothers and their myths!

A even mothers are not omniscient, so don't believe everything you were taught at an early age. As children, we took every piece of her advice as gold, but in reality, in many cases she (unknowingly) let us living in error all these years. But now that you're an adult too, it's okay to re-center the facts and replace them with new ones that are facts facts and not facts cobbled together from superstitions and flawed studies.

It's time for new facts!
It's time for new facts!

You knew that sitting too close to the television doesn't it hurt your eyes? Doesn't chewing gum stay in your stomach for seven years after you swallow it? Has your mother been wrong about this all these years too? What is the truth and what else your mother was wrong about, see v the fun video below.

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