
Google Pixel Buds 2 (2020): they are betting on the ubiquitous Google Assistant

After almost three years, Google introduced the new, second generation of Google Pixel Buds headphones, which follow the market leaders, Apple and Samsung, in terms of features. From a distance, it seems to "just follow", but the key to possible success lies in a single quality. Namely in the integration of the Google Assistant, which is said to be comparable to Apple's Siri. This is what the regular Android headset lacks.

Besides smartphone headphones seem to be the part of technology that we use more and more. They allow us to withdraw into our own world media consumption, which is increasingly dominated by video content. This is why headphones are becoming an important personal piece of technology. We do more with them than just listen to music, talk on the phone and exercise. Of course, he is also aware of this Google and enters the game "again" (after 2017) with a much improved second generation of headphones Google Pixel Buds. The first one somehow didn't live up to the Google brand name.

The Verge first impressions: Google Pixel Buds 2 (2020)

Maybe at this moment I focus only on those qualities that Google Buds sets it apart from all other wireless headphones. It is ubiquitous google assistant, which is available to the user at all times, on a similar or identical way they use headphones as their assistant Apple Airpods. You just call him and his smarts do things for you. This is what actually sets them apart from other competing headphones that don't have this feature and I really miss it!

MKBD First Impressions: Google Pixel Buds 2 (2020)

New wireless headphones Google Pixel Buds will be available in four colors: clear white, in mint color, orange and almost black. But they will always be accompanied by a charging box in matte white. The latter will store energy for an additional 19 hours of operation of the headphones (24 in total), which otherwise have 5-hour autonomy of operation. So something less than they allow Samsung Galaxy Buds +.

Google Pixel Buds 2
Google Pixel Buds 2

At to Google they promise greatly improved sound, but on the other hand they do not add ANC (active noise cancellation), which the competition in this price range already offers. They are currently available in the US and coming to Europe Google announces for the beginning of June when they will be available for purchase via the link below in German Amazon at a price of approx 199 euros.

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