
Summer hair care: tips for healthy and shiny hair in the summer months

Photo: Envato

No matter how busy your schedule is, there's a seasonal beauty routine for every woman. Here's your guide to the best looking hair at home or on holiday - even if you only have a few minutes to spare.

If you have dry hair…

Your hair needs it moisture and additional care. There are a lot of hair products available in drugstores that will help you with one or another problem, but home-made cosmetics can be just as effective. For dry hair and dry scalp, keep at home cold pressed coconut oil. If you have dandruff, apply a sufficient amount to the scalp and massage for a few minutes. For dry ends, apply oil along the length of the hair, either with your hands or with a comb that has sparse bristles. Tie it into a loose bun, and for better results, put a plastic bag on your head, as it will create heat, which, in combination with the oil, will make your hair even softer. Leave it on for at least half an hour and then wash it off gentle shampoo. Then gently squeeze the hair and wrap it in a big bun cotton a shirt you no longer need. If necessary, apply emulsion to dry hair, but do not use oil. Dry your hair with a hairdryer on medium heat or air dry.

Photo: Tamara Bellis / Unsplash

If you have oily hair…

Oily hair often has no end in sight, but is easier to manage than dry hair. If your hair is oily, it doesn't need a lot of maintenance as it will only make things worse. It is important that the hair wash with a gentle shampoo, which has as few additions as possible or with nettle shampoo, as it has a very cleansing effect on the hair. Apply shampoo twice and only apply a small amount of conditioner as needed, from the middle of the scalp down. Rinse gently and tumble dry or air dry. For oily hair, it's a good idea not to use oil for the ends. When you have oily hair again, use dry shampoo.

Additional tip…

Your hair will be shinier and healthier if you use it fewer products. You know - less is more. In summer days, when you are hot, the most recommended hairstyles for your hair are those that do not let your hair down. Opt for a high ponytail, bun, make one or more braids. When combing, be gentle so as not to break the ends of your hair. If your hair is down and you are exposed to the sun for a long time, wear a hat and give your hair extra care.

Photo: Tamara Bellis / Unsplash

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