
Happier camper – a retro camper van inspired by a VW minibus

This looks like a handy integrated awning!

Do you like retro-modern style? You are adventurous at heart and love a different kind of vacation. Then this caravan and its modularity is what you've always been looking for.

Happier camper is a brand that you with its camping trailer he puts a smile on his face. It is a caravan that inspired him VW hippie minibus and that's why it's perfect for all nostalgics.

It complements its shape unusual modular interior, which the user can customize according to their needs. For example, the interior can be turned into a mega bed, a cargo area or a romantic weekend space for two people. Because extremely light and modern constructions ta 4 meters long trailer weighs less than 500 kilograms and it can actually be towed by any vehicle. The exterior is made of special rubberized alloys and, of course, you can order it in various color combinations. Due to its small size, it can easily be parked in any standard parking space. Of course, this trailer is also independent of the grid, as you get it with 100-watt solar cells and a bunch of already integrated gadgets, such as the sound system Bare feet, USB and AC sockets, a heated shower and a convenient awning. Are we going on vacation?!

The interior is completely modular and changes in a flash!
The interior is completely modular and changes in a flash!
Perfect romance for two!
Perfect romance for two!
Can be used as a cargo trailer. This is made possible by its modular design and rear door!
It can also be a cargo trailer. This is made possible by its modular design and rear door!
It can be towed by any vehicle. MINI too!
It can be towed by any vehicle. MINI too!

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