
Happy ending

When we enter through the main entrance of the Ljubljana Coliseum, we are greeted on the right by the renovated bar Happy end. Here you can wait for the performance with a cake or a cocktail, and you can also buy tickets in the morning hours. Happy end is run by Aleš, who also makes sure that all employees are well-versed in serving and especially in mixing...

Basic information
Happy ending
Šmartinska 152, Ljubljana
Sun. - Thu. from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m., Fri. and rooms. from 10 a.m. to 11 p.m
(01) 520 55 00

When we enter through the main entrance of the Ljubljana Coliseum, we are greeted on the right by the renovated bar Happy end. Here you can wait for the performance with a cake or a cocktail, and you can also buy tickets in the morning hours. Happy end is run by Aleš, who also makes sure that all employees are well-versed in service and, above all, in mixing cocktails. Aleš recommends the Gladiator cocktail, which he used to win the national championship and which contains, among other things, vodka, passion fruit liqueur and pineapple juice. Coffee cocktails are also a specialty. Among the alcoholic ones, we can try Angelina Jolie strawberry coffee or a coffee cocktail called Marilyn Monroe. For non-alcoholic coffee liqueurs, we are served Brad Pitt with coconut syrup, George Clooney with hazelnut syrup or the Will Smith cocktail with white chocolate syrup. Among the cakes, says Aleš, the most popular are tiramisu and strawberry cake. On hot summer days, happy end invites you to enjoy a hazelnut or almond iced coffee, while in winter, hot fruit cocktails, punch, etc. dominate the bar's atmosphere. The atmosphere in the bar is the work of Marilin's studio, and it combines minimalist lines and a movie theme, surrounded by huge windows. and lots of natural light. Part of the bar is arranged as a children's playroom with colorful walls and toys.  


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