
He knew every secret of the human soul: Carl Jung realized that happiness lies in these 5 things

The main privilege you have in life is to become exactly what you are, said the famous psychiatrist Carl Jung.

A Swiss psychiatrist is the father of analytical psychology and much more than just someone who introduced us to the concept of the unconscious. Jung was also a specialist in the field of human emotions, fantasies, needs and paths that lead to ultimate happiness. He knew that humans are capable of both wonderful and terrifying things. He believed that man can realize his hopes and dreams only through individualization, through a process that leads to mental freedom. Such freedom allows us to live without fear or anxiety and to become holistic people who have nothing to hide. That is when our "unconscious" can manifest itself, which makes it possible to we see our goal more clearly.

Jung thus revealed five things that make up the recipe for happiness, while also warning that obsessively following this recipe will eventually (unfortunately) backfire. In order to be truly happy, according to Jung, we must have clear vision of our goals, we must be flexible, responsive and trust our intuition. Here is his list of five things that make a person happy.

In order to be happy, we must have a clear vision of our goals, we must be flexible, responsive and trust our intuition.
In order to be happy, we must have a clear vision of our goals, we must be flexible, responsive and trust our intuition.

1. Strong physical and mental health

Jung did not believe that the main goal of psychology was the treatment of mental disorders, but viewed it as instrument of self-identification, clearly defining your goals and knowledge. It was the same key to happiness for him as well physical health. These two concepts were inseparable for him.

2. Healthy relationships

Living isolated from other people is wrong. Everyone needs it attention, friendship, safety and love. We need someone to communicate with, share, expand our horizons, care for someone and have someone care for us. There is no happiness without it.

3. The ability to perceive the beauty of art and nature

Creative people put their feelings, ideals, innovations and skills into things that arise from their imaginations, and this is what Jung called the collective unconscious. We must be able to appreciate everything that excites us, brings us satisfaction and makes us happy. The same goes for nature. We are all children of nature. Every creature on this planet can give us important knowledge, we just need to know where to look.

We must be able to perceive the beauty of art and nature.
We must be able to perceive the beauty of art and nature.

4. Belief in "something"

For Carl Jung, happiness is impossible without spiritual fulfillment. It does not matter whether it is religion or philosophy, faith in "something" can form the basis of our good condition. Faith it gives meaning, deepens every experience and imbues our existence with purpose.

5. An interesting job

Jung talked a lot about what he wanted to become as a child archaeologist. Nevertheless, life took him to medicine and that's when he decided on psychiatry. He always remained an archaeologist in himself, except that he "dug" into the depths of the human soul. How interesting our job is will not always depend only on us, but if we accept it the right career decisions, these will lead us to the set goals.

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