
He really, really loves you if he does this while kissing

Photo: Jonathan Borba

What does his kiss mean and how will you know what his intentions are. These basics reveal a lot!

Kissing with the right man is the most beautiful pleasure a woman can experience. However, even a kiss has its own meaning and is not always "right".

Some couples kiss wildly, others love tenderness, still others love being active tabs – all these ways are correct and you can use them you show your partner, how do you feel about him. But you'd probably also like to know what he feels about you?


In our society, yes men don't show emotions and it is a luxury if you will experience that he will show you love directly, so you will have to skilfully "after a woman" to rely on some other signals, which indicate that he has you really a lot, very much like. And the way he kisses you is one of those!

You can tell from a kiss that you mean a lot to him - so they are a clear sign that he loves you his palms, which rest on your cheeks. Touching your face is an extremely intimate thing. By letting him touch your cheeks, you will show him yes you give in to him, making it his the heart was in a faster rhythm.

What does his kiss reveal about his intentions?

You can't say it is for any kiss wrong, just different carries messages. He probably already kissed you on the nose, forehead or hand? What is the meaning such a kiss?


A kiss on the forehead

When a man kisses you on the forehead, it means he wants you to feel protected. He wants to protect you because he cares about you.

A kiss on the nose

A cute way to show a deeper connection with you.

A kiss on the hand

If he kisses your hand, his thoughts are wild and he's just imagining how he's going to rip all your clothes off. With a kiss on the hand, he shows you that he is aware of how a woman's body works and wants to use this knowledge.

A playful kiss

He feels comfortable and relaxed around you. He wants to make you smile with a playful kiss. To make happy.

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