Photo: Envato

He realized that he had lost the best thing he had - her (personal confession)

"Finding true and lasting love does not mean that we will be able to feel it all the time. Everything in the world moves in cycles." - John Gray

Read the story of a man who wants to tell you not to lose the people who love you because of stupidity - because stupidity is fleeting, but love can be eternal.

I was destroying her with my ignorance, I kind of liked her running after me, I was sure she would never get tired of it.

But that's exactly what happened, she realized that I was playing with her feelings. I missed her texts, calls, days became empty without them.

I missed them so much that I unknowingly started doing what she was doing. I sent her messages that she didn't reply to. I called her and she didn't return my calls.

I hated her behavior, which she actually learned from me, but I didn't give up. After a few weeks I texted her: "How are you?" and to my astonishment she replied: "I'm great. It's a wonderful feeling when you stop acting stupid. But it feels even better because the roles are reversed and you're making a fool of yourself. Thank you."

And then I understood, I looked at everything from a different point of view. She was there for me when I didn't know how to appreciate it. I didn't understand how much love she gave me and gave me.

I remembered everything and was sorry that I had driven her away with my behavior. She simply grew tired of my unresponsiveness. Another big mistake. She was worried about me and I didn't realize it. When she told me that one day I would look back and see all my mistakes, I didn't believe her.

But only now did I realize that I let go of the best thing I had – her.”

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