
Hi Sea floating hotel that offers the perfect escape from everyday life

Photo: Youtube

Inspiration and vision are important in realizing innovative projects that push boundaries. In this case, the visionary is a Chinese entrepreneur, and his inspiration for the traditional floating rafts used by local fishermen for long-term survival led to the construction of a floating island disconnected from the mainland and far from the rest of the world.

Hi Sea Hotel is located in China in the sea area of Dongshan Island in Fujian, 500 meters from the coast. It is like a floating island that has no borders with land and is independent of the earthly world.

The 500 square meter space is equipped with a living room, three guest rooms and a kitchen. In every room there is natural light that passes through large glass surfaces. Interior it is simple, and the basic tone of the wood color creates a warm and friendly atmosphere. The hotel also has an outdoor massage pool, balconies are furnished with carefully selected tables and chairs, and boats and kayaks are moored for daily recreation.

Whether it's a get-together with friends, family dinners or business activities, guests have complete privacy, as the hotel only accommodates one group of guests. Here you can feel the slowness and comfort of life.

The whole "building" seems to open the mind to the sea and satisfy people's longing for nature and purity.

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