
House of Stealth: a radical abode for a Bond villain

House of Stealth

Architect Antony Gibbon designed his latest abode with strong, unique geometry.

House of Stealth is located in a deserted, mountainous environment, and with its angular shape and stone facade, it blends perfectly with the surrounding landscape. Antony Gibbon is also otherwise known for its focus on the overall image and form of the project, which in turn becomes a monumental artefact firmly anchored within the landscape where it is placed.

House of Stealth
House of Stealth

And although the exterior of the house with its industrial modernity suggests the radical hideout of a Bond villain, the interior is revealing contrasting atmosphere of modern warmth. It's like an escape from the cold tundra that gets its warmth from the rich wood floors and cabinets. A view of snow-capped peaks opens up through the glass walls, and a spiral staircase leads to the observatory on the top floor.

Although this house is only a concept for now, it does offer some additional material for quarantine daydreaming. Would you like to escape to another reality right now?

Gallery: Stealth House

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