
Horoscope: How a man ends a relationship according to his astrological sign

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Each individual has their own way of ending a relationship. Think back to the endings of your love relationships and you'll see that you've left people in very similar ways.

Some remain friends with every person in their life, while others simply don't want to see them anymore.

Find out which sentence men of each astrological sign will use to end a relationship.


Arrogant, honest and someone who does not compromise in life. Aries will break up with his partner with the phrase: "Lately, I've been looking at women more and more often, and it seems to me that you're no longer attracted to me than at the beginning of the relationship." Maybe it would be better if we take some time for ourselves.”



A Taurus will not leave his partner so easily. He's not one to leave his long-term relationship for someone fleeting, but once he makes up his mind, it's really over. He will leave saying, "I can't find myself in this relationship anymore." You are constantly angry, in a bad mood and I can't think of what's wrong anymore. Apparently I'm not making you happy anymore. It's better for both of us."



They love socializing, fun and people. The moment they feel that you are depriving them of these pleasures, they will be very angry and will tell you without hesitation: "This relationship has started to suffocate me, it is best that we break up." Can we stay friends?” Unlike most, they really want it.


Cancer simply disappears when it no longer feels emotions. Don't think he doesn't suffer when he leaves you, because he wouldn't be in a relationship with someone he doesn't feel emotionally close to. Even when he's the one to leave, he won't break up overnight. When he gathers the courage, he will look you in the eyes and say: "I don't love you anymore." He will lower his head, he will have the impression that he is betraying you and himself, but without emotions he simply cannot function.


A Leo leaves a relationship the moment he feels that he no longer has respect from his partner than he had at the beginning. He feels that you no longer appreciate him and that you do not look at him with the same eyes as at the beginning. It affects him a lot. He can suffer a lot because of this, so he will say goodbye to you very clearly: "You are different. You are no longer the same person who adored me and laughed with me. I don't know what the problem is and I don't care, to be honest, I don't feel good in this relationship anymore. I'm leaving. "


A virgin

A Virgo will leave you when she feels that you are not giving her as much as she is giving you. Virgos are proportional all their lives and give as much as they are given, and the moment they realize that they are giving you everything, and you are giving them crumbs, they will not tolerate this, but will leave saying: ” In the last days you did not see me first kisses. Yesterday I kissed you four times, today I hug you five times, and you nothing. And I see you smiled at the waiter in a way you haven't smiled at me in a long time. You obviously need a different type of man. And don't call me, please. Goodbye. "



A Libra man will try to "escape" from the relationship without any explanation. They hate discussions and uncomfortable situations. The most common reason for their departure is some new love, because they always have an alternative. Of course, he will never admit this to you, but he will leave you with the words: "We started arguing a lot. And I think you've already found someone. I can't be in this relationship anymore. Of course I'll be there for you if you ever need me.”


Once a Scorpio decides to leave, nothing in this world will make him change his mind. Most often, he leaves because of a bruised ego, or a passionless relationship. Whatever the reason, he will make it very clear to you without hesitation. Sometimes you may think they are terribly cruel and insensitive, but they are. If the reason is another woman, he will tell you, “I have another”, whatever the other reason is, the truth will be presented directly to your face. The one thing he will never admit to you is that you hurt him.


Sagittarius will leave you saying, “Don't be mad at me, but I don't think we can do this anymore. And you know, I didn't tell you, but I bought a ticket abroad, I'm going with my friends. Call your friend and go on vacation together, go to Greece" And while you are wondering, because of everything, especially how he even dared to advise you about summer destinations, he is already in a cafe where he is planning his vacation with his friends.



Capricorns have a hard time deciding to break up. They are not one of those who can recklessly leave a relationship. If he leaves on his own, the most likely reason is the job and the fact that he is not good enough in your eyes. He will leave you saying: "I have been too busy lately. It is better to try to distance ourselves for a while and let each of us focus on our careers. I will be sorry if you find someone, but you deserve the best.”


When he breaks up, he doesn't hate his partner, unless she left him, in which case he will ignore her indefinitely. He will leave you when he feels that you are taking away his time with his friends, and he will explain his departure with these very words: “I know it sounds stupid, but I miss my time with my friends. I think it's unfair to you that every weekend I'm at the games with them and you're sitting at home. Even though you tell me it's fine with you. It's better that we part ways. Whatever you need in life, you will have a friend in me."



Pisces men leave because of a lack of emotions, more precisely because of a lack of butterflies in their stomachs. They suffer when they have to leave, this part of the relationship is very unpleasant for them, so they will leave you sad saying: “I'm leaving. I'm not happy anymore. I know you didn't expect this, that everything seems perfect to you, but only I know how I feel. I still love you as a person, but the time we spend together no longer makes me happy. I cannot act against myself.”

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