
Horoscope: What does the time of the new moon in Scorpio bring you?

From November 4 onwards

Photo: envato

Starting November 4th, you will experience rebirth and emotional transformation! A magical new moon brings exciting possibilities for personal development. When she resides in the mysterious sign of Scorpio, she will push you deep into the sea of emotions.

You can expect a complete transformation. This time you will be rebellious, ready to get rid of limitations, jump over obstacles and make your dreams come true.

Be careful not to choose the wrong means for this, as the New Moon in Scorpio can easily mislead you.

Find out what the horoscope for the new Moon in Scorpio brings to your sign from November 4:


This deep and mysterious moon phase brings you the opportunity to become vulnerable and explore your mystical side. Instead of trying to act on your first instinct right away, let the feelings of the New Moon slowly affect you. When it comes to solving important steps, try to listen to your intuition.


Everything is possible in your relationships right now, even if you don't seem to know where to go next. With the Moon in your house of partnerships, new opportunities for connection will begin to open before your eyes. Sometimes compatibility works in mysterious ways, so stay open to the magic of life.



The New Moon highlights the routine things in your life and asks you to stop focusing. Everything you do has a ripple effect on our lives – even the simplest actions. So whether it's your work, health habits, or daily rituals, make a conscious choice to connect with every moment of your day.


The moon brings you a lot of pleasure and excitement. So allow yourself to be inspired by your intense feelings and immerse yourself in the emotions. You may find that you can bring things to life in a new way right now, whether it's a creative project or a new relationship. Let your sincere desires guide you.


Prepare to become aware of your emotions as this moon phase illuminates one of the most sensitive and emotional parts of your soul. Now is a wonderful time to honor your past and connect with your roots, because by aligning with these core parts of your being, you will be able to move forward toward your current goals with more authenticity and confidence.

A virgin

While New Moon energies mostly favor solitude, you may find yourself inspired to get out and connect with people. If you're feeling social, team up with close friends who won't shy away from vulnerable conversations about feelings. If not, try to find your space in meditation, and practice awareness and clarify your goals.



This moon puts you in touch with your sources and allows you to see clearly what you need to feel safe and valued. Be on the lookout for unexpected raises or financial opportunities that could help you get closer to your money goals.


Happy New Moon in your sign. The reset of the Moon in your zodiac realm only happens once a year, so think of it as a powerful opportunity to rethink and transform into something new. Now you have the power to make your desires come true, so get in touch with your goals and motivate yourself to achieve them.



Feel the intense energy of the New Moon, allowing you to process any issue your soul seems to be carrying. Instead of trying to ignore the weight of these feelings, lean into them and allow yourself to fully immerse yourself in their power. If you face them head on, you will know exactly what you are dealing with and it will be easier to get rid of the burdens.


This Moon brings new opportunities to grow, connect and create in harmony with others. Behind almost every great leader is a team of colleagues supported by like-minded people, so find strength and inspiration from your friends and rely on a more group mentality to achieve your goals.


Your work life gets a lot of shine, but it might not happen the way you expect. With the New Moon facing your ruling planet Uranus, all kinds of unpredictable changes are happening now, and new doors of career opportunity are opening around every corner. Use this boost of energy to advance your career, even if you have to go out of your way.


Get ready to expand your mind and leave your comfort zone. This Moon brings pushing boundaries and inspires you to learn new things, seek new knowledge and expand your personal horizons, so think of every opportunity that presents itself now as an opportunity for growth.

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