Photo: Mika Baumeister / Unsplash

House insects: What attracts them the most and how to get rid of them

In search of food and shelter, insects like to settle in homes because they find the perfect place to stay. Unfortunately, these annoying visitors can do a lot of damage to fabrics, wood, plants, and can also cause food poisoning.

Therefore, it is important to know what things they particularly like and what they need get rid of as a precaution, so that they do not settle in homes.

Waste paper

Everyone waste paper can attract house insects. These include old books, stacks of newspapers, invoices or letters. Silverfish and cockroaches fed with cellulose, so it is better not to leave anything on the table, shelves or even in a drawer. If you don't want to get rid of old books and letters, put them in plastic boxes that you can seal tightly.

White light bulbs

White and bluish light are most attractive to insects. Conversely, they are least attracted to yellow, pink and orange. Therefore, it is recommended to replace white bulbs with warmer light.

Cardboard boxes

Cockroaches, silverfish, termites and other household insects like to feed on cardboard boxes and glue. This porous material is perfect for their life. They attract and attract other insects with their secretions, as they like to live in groups. Therefore, it is recommended to get rid of cardboard boxes and replace them with plastic ones, which are airtight closed.


Bees are attracted to unfinished wood, especially if it has holes in it, because they can they hatch the eggs. That is why it is important not to keep piles of firewood in your home and that your fences, patios and garden furniture are protected and painted.

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They love house bugs humid and warm places so make sure that there is as little moisture as possible in these rooms. Regularly check that the drains in the basement, kitchen or bathroom are working properly and are not leaking. Also make sure to clean them regularly, as this is the perfect home for various flies.


If you have overripe fruit or vegetables, store them in a well-sealed container, as this is a favorite a meal of flies and midges. Also beware of sweet or fermented liquids (juice or vinegar). Bottles should be tightly closed and clean.

Room plants

If you take proper care of indoor plants, you can avoid the visit of various bugs and insects. Make sure that the soil is not too dry or too wet, that there is no standing water in the bases, and that the air in the room is not too humid.

Regular cleaning

As long as you will cleaned regularly for household appliances (stove, refrigerator), you can help make your kitchen less attractive to various pests.

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