
How do individual astrological signs lie?

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How often do you fold? Every day, once a week, once a month? Your astrological sign can also influence this!

Lying is human nature, but we don't all lie equally or about the same things. We lie to protect ourselves or others. Sometimes we lie just because we have the opportunity and because we want to improve our self-image.

Let's see how someone lies and deals with lies, according to the astrological sign.


Aries are not big fans of lying for the simple reason that they see no point in lying. They have no patience for the drama that results from the moment you are caught in a lie, and if they do lie, it's about completely trivial things.


Stubborn bulls love to dance the way they play. If that means they have to embellish the truth a bit to get what they want, they will do it without any second thoughts. But these are mostly small, insignificant lies that are just a shortcut to fulfilling their desires.



Geminis have extremely vivid imaginations and need attention. They need fans. They make up various details just to make their story as incredible as possible and to have as many people as possible believe them. They are so good at it that no one blames them for it.


Loyal and caring Cancers will lie just to protect their loved ones, whether they want to protect them from others or from their own feelings. For Cancers, lying is one way of pretending to loved ones that everything is fine, even when it isn't, and when they lie, they lie with the best of intentions.


Like Gemini, Leos love attention from the people around them. For this reason, the story they tell, although it begins as the truth, ends up as a dangerous exaggeration. And as a general rule, the more excited people are about their story, the more intense the exaggeration will be.


An analytical Virgo will avoid lying if possible. Like Aries, the possibility of being caught in a lie is too much for them, so they prefer to deal with the truth, whatever that may be. The exception is situations when the truth hinders solving the problem. But even in these moments, before deciding to lie, they will consider all the pros and cons of all options and only then will they decide if the lie is worth the risk.


Astrology's most diplomatic sign will lie when necessary and if they believe it's good to do so. Unlike Geminis and Leos, it is possible to believe their lies precisely because they do not exaggerate them, and people do not even realize that the scales lied to them until it is too late.



Suspicious and sometimes manipulative, Scorpios know the game well when it comes to lying. They lie mainly because of their prudence, thanks to which they analyze every part of every situation they find themselves in, in order to end up telling the lie they find to be the best option in the given situation.


Always friendly and sociable, Sagittarians rarely lie. They really value friendships and the people they are surrounded by and don't want to expose them to lies. If they ever feel the need to lie, it will only be when they judge it to be unavoidable. And it will certainly not be a small thing, but probably the worst possible lie that you can imagine.


Capricorns hate lies more than any other astrological sign. They hate and don't want to lie. Due to their untrustworthy nature, they oppose lies in any form and for any purpose. And if they happen to be lying about something, they don't hide it for long because they feel guilty and in any case end up telling the truth.



Like Gemini, Aquarius is very creative and witty when it comes to telling stories. Their lies tend to be too good to be true, but they serve them so well that few people don't believe them.


The most sensitive sign fish usually do not lie. If they choose to lie, they have a very good reason. Either to protect their loved ones or themselves. Either way, they are so considerate and sensitive that people can't even get mad at them when their lies are exposed

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