
How to be a gentleman in the 21st century

In the 21st century, we girls sometimes think that some men have forgotten what it means to be a gentleman, while others are annoyingly overdoing their "gentlemanly" behavior towards women. We present to you the rules of how to charm any woman and be a true gentleman - in the 21st century - with the right amount of chivalry (so that you don't come off as a man without manners or as an old-fashioned troubadour from the Middle Ages).

What a gentleman did sometimes: He always held the door for a woman.
What a 21st century gentleman should do: ALMOST always hold the door for a woman.

For a man to hold the door for a woman is nice gesture, which we will all be members of the fairer sex always quietly appreciated. However, there is no need to make a big ceremony out of it - for example, to quickly push past us so that you will be at the doorknob in time, or to make dramatic movements to ensure that your big victim does not pass unnoticed. Be relaxed. If you are near the door, just gallantly hold it for us, and if not, no problem. I know how to use my hands too.

What a gentleman used to do: Pay attention to the woman and not the phone/carriages/other distractions of the past.

What a gentleman should do in the 21st century: Pay attention to the woman AND NOT TO THE PHONE!
Gentlemen of the old era probably didn't really own phones, but the point is clear: when you're with a woman at dinner, on a date, or otherwise, your attention should be on her. Messages, calls, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and all the other modern ones distractions can always wait to a time when they won't be in the middle of a candlelit dinner conversation.

The gentleman of the 21st century pays attention to the woman and not to the phone and various Twitters and Instagrams.
The gentleman of the 21st century pays attention to the woman and not to the phone and various Twitters and Instagrams.

What a gentleman used to do: Bring a woman a bouquet.
What a gentleman should do in the 21st century: Surprise a woman at least occasionally with a flower or other little thing.

Believe me, men: no woman has ever rolled her eyes when a man brought her a rose or some other little thing. Small attentions that don't take more than a few minutes change the whole picture of the relationship in our minds for the better, and we unconsciously become even more devoted to you.

What a gentleman used to do: He stood up when a woman entered the room.
What a gentleman should do in the 21st century: …nothing special.

The Victorian era is over, and standing up abruptly when a woman enters the room would seem burlesque in the 21st century. Of course, accompanying the arrival of any person (even another man) in your vicinity with a greeting, a smile or a kind word is a matter common courtesy and your manners.

READ MORE: 10 tips for men to add more style to their dressing style

What a gentleman used to do: He always paid the bill.
What a gentleman should do in the 21st century: Let the woman pay, too.

If a man invites a woman to dinner, it is understood that he pays. And if the situation is reversed, it seems logical that she pays. In the 21st century, we girls don't like the feeling that you're always paying men, because we are capable and independent enough, so that sometime we settle the bill too. So don't force yourself and let me take care of you sometime - of course, if we explicitly offer to do so.

What a gentleman used to do: He ordered food for both himself and her.
What a gentleman should do in the 21st century: Let the lady always make her own orders.

If a man orders food for a woman in the 21st century, it can quickly go out of style patronizing and chauvinistic. Always let the lady decide what she wants to eat and of course respect her choice.

A gentleman of the 21st century does not defend a woman's honor with his fists, but with calm determination.
A gentleman of the 21st century does not defend a woman's honor with his fists, but with calm determination.

What a gentleman used to do: Defend a woman's honor with his fists.
What a gentleman should do in the 21st century: Defend a woman's honor with a firm but calm reaction.

There will always be uncouth men who misbehave with your woman. But that's it start with fists or dirty words, it will not charm any lady in the 21st century. If such a situation arises, remain calm and firm. It's enough to grab a lady's hand, lead her away, and leave the impression that rude people aren't worth your energy or her words.

What a gentleman used to do: He chased away intruders.
What a gentleman should do in the 21st century: Drive away intruders - even imaginary ones.

It must be admitted that women often panic unnecessarily if, for example, we hear noises from the basement in bed. Despite the fact that in most cases it is really nothing, it is to us a sense of security is extremely important for women in a relationship, so make an effort and overcome our fears - even if they are imaginary.

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