
How to break up with a wonderful person who is simply not for us

We stay in relationships for a variety of reasons, and many of them are not strong enough to make the relationship last. That's when the unpleasant moment comes when we say goodbye to a person. And how to break up with a wonderful person who is simply not for us?

Breakups are never easy and even though we may no longer want to be in a romantic relationship with a person, that doesn't mean they are we don't like. At that time, the breakup may be even more difficult, because it can happen that we feel guilty that we will someone, who did nothing wrong, hurt.

These tips may help you find the answer too, how to break up with a wonderful person who is simply not for us.

Get ready.

It might sound strange, but you might find it easier to say the right words if you do you prepare a little. think about what do you want to say, and then try to articulate it before you even meet this person.

Be clear.

State the reasons clearly, why you decided to end the relationship. Keep in mind that this person is probably quite hurt and it is necessary to state these reasons with feeling.

Say exactly why you don't want to be with this person anymore.
Say exactly why you don't want to be with this person anymore.

Don't give her false hope.

If you know that person is not for you, her don't give false hope just to be you felt better. This is not fair to this person!

Be clear about what you want.

Sometimes our partner wants to convince us that a breakup would not happen. Predict, that this could happen and think about what you will do in this case. Are there any conditions under which you would like to continue the relationship?

Think carefully about what you want.
Think carefully about what you want.

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