
How to choose the most delicious and juicy watermelon?

Choosing a delicious and juicy watermelon can be so easy!

Photo: Karolina Grabowska/Pexels

We know many different varieties of watermelons. It is the most common variety with a pink-red core and dark seeds. But if we really want to choose that ripe and tasty and juicy watermelon, it is good to follow the above tips. These tricks will help you choose between red and sweet watermelon.

Watermelon is one of the most popular summer fruits. It is extremely healthy, refreshing, has very few calories and effectively cleanses the body. Watermelons contain lycopene, a plant pigment from the group of carotenoids and a miraculous antioxidant that has an extremely beneficial effect on health. In addition, it can also help raise the natural defense against UV radiation.

The best are those watermelons that are juicy, red, but firm and not mushy. Choosing the right one is sometimes a real challenge. There are a few things to be aware of when buying a watermelon, however there are tricks, with which you will be able to on the right track, to choose the juiciest one.

How to choose a delicious watermelon? ... It's easier than you think!

When choosing a watermelon, you should pay attention to its variety. It is very important what color the outside of the watermelon is, what they are like her lines and spots. If you turn the watermelon over, you will see a yellowish spot on the surface, this is the part where the watermelon rested in the field. If this spot is light yellow in color, it means that it is a watermelon mature enough and has an optimal sugar content. But if this spot is green or white, it means watermelon she is not yet mature enough.

It is very important what color the watermelon is, what its lines and spots are
Photo: Daniel Dan/Pexels

Pay attention to hers too weight. To the extent that this one was overripe, there were cavities in it, and yes, this one is lighter than the others, so always choose the one that is heavier. You can also follow the fruit you knock. If it sounds deep, it is less mature. You can also help yourself by how much the shell glows. It's more shining, the juicier the watermelon.

The best are those watermelons that are juicy, red, but firm and not mushy.
Photo: Karolina Grabowska/Pexels

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