
How to clean sneakers so that they are like new?

Clean your sneakers to make them look like new

Do you know how to clean your sneakers so they are like new? Would you like your sneakers to look like they just came out of the store? If you're one of the sneaker fans who can't imagine styling without snow-white or shiny clean sneakers, read on, because this time we've prepared a short guide that will keep your sneakers looking like new.

Do you know a way to clean your sneakers so they're like new? Sneakers they have been ruling the fashion scene for several seasons and are considered one of the top fashion pieces. If you'd like your favorite sneakers to stay like new for longer, read on, because this time we've got it covered a quick five-step guide to cleaning your sneakers so they're like new.

How to clean sneakers?
How to clean sneakers?

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How to clean sneakers to make them like new:

  1. Remove the laces, fill the sink with warm water. Mix warm water, vinegar and baking soda. Rub the mixture into the sneakers and clean the sneakers with a brush, then place them in the sink along with the laces. Let them soak for a few hours.
  2. Clean the sole with a toothbrush and whitening toothpaste.
  3. Clean the sneakers with detergent.
  4. Rinse the sneakers well, soak them and let them dry.
  5. Protect your sneakers with protective reception and tape the edges of the dark jeans from the inside to prevent their color from transferring to your expensive sneakers.

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