
How to drink enough water: tricks to keep you hydrated

Photo: envato

Can't seem to get yourself to drink enough water? Forgetting to pour your water? Do you only remember to drink when your body is crying out for water? Here are some simple tips to help you do just that.

The human body urgently needs water, and dehydration is one of the most common phenomena in adults. When the body is thirsty, it works slowly and the skin becomes dry and lifeless.

If you want to get in the habit of drinking eight glasses of water a day, try these tricks.

Give the water a taste

For many, water is the most empty liquid, so they prefer sweet juices. To avoid unnecessary sugar intake and fall in love with water and give it a little taste.
Add some fresh mint leaves, lemon slices and orange slices to the bottle and put it in the fridge. Vitamin water is tasty and healthy.

Improve your taste with lemon, orange... Photo: Alicja Gancarz / Unsplash

Harness the power of your phone

Believe it or not, you can install a large number of free apps on your mobile phone made just for this situation. Reminders to alert you when it's time to drink water. Although it sounds strange, such applications are very useful.

Get yourself a nice bottle

During the day, we are constantly in a hurry and therefore forget the need for liquid, which then has a negative effect on our body. Get yourself a nice bottle of water to always have with you. Put it in your bag and carry it everywhere with you.

Photo: envato

Make water your appetizer

This trick really works. In addition to getting used to drinking water, it will help you lose weight, as you will reduce the feeling of hunger and thus eat less. Before each meal, and this also applies to snacks between meals, drink at least half a glass per glass of water. Make it a habit.

Keep track of how much you've drunk

If drinking water is a problem, make a plan. Calculate how much water will go into your bottle and calculate how many bottles of water you should drink during the day.

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