
How do you know if you are an electric car driver?

Electric cars are knocking on the door en masse at the end of 2019. Virtually all manufacturers are feverishly electrifying their fleet. But we all ask ourselves a very relevant question: do we want electric cars and are we really electric car drivers?

Driving with electric cars it's a different experience. On the one hand, it brings exceptional acceleration and enables dynamism, on the other hand, there are many limitations in the field of range electric cars. That's also why you have to before buying find out the car whether you are a driver of an electric vehicle or whether the latter corresponds to yours lifestyle!

Very interesting is recently published research, of which he was a subscriber Ford. This one showed extremely interesting results. Most people want to own an electrified vehicle one day, by almost half (45 percent) the key advantage is the fact that there is no need to stop for refueling. The latter can be "poured" right at home. And yet it is 40 percent told the participants that they know very little or even nothing about electric vehicles, so it is very unlikely that the latter will soon exchange the classic "pump" for an electric connection in the safe shelter of their home.

Ford with an interesting application to find out if an electric car is what we want!

Ford has prepared an interesting application through which prospective buyers can enter their usual routes and thus predict on the map whether an electric car suits their lifestyle! They also explore their surroundings and find out how many charging points are in the immediate vicinity of both their work and regular routes.

The research also revealed some key findings:

  • Almost 9 out of 10 (84 percent) owners of hybrid and electric vehicles, or those who plan to become one in the near future, are of the opinion that electric vehicles are fun to drive. 3 out of 4 of respondents want to own an electric vehicle one day, including 92 percent of Chinese, 73 percent of Europeans and 53 percent of Americans.
  • Almost 3 out of 4 (73 percent) of hybrid and electric vehicle owners or those who plan to become one in the near future agree that owning an electric vehicle is easy.
  • Almost 9 out of 10 (87 percent) of the participants believe that they need a special connector to charge an electric vehicle.
  • Lack of charging stations (49 percent), short battery life (43 percent) and the need for frequent charging (38 percent) are the main obstacles to buying an electric vehicle.

At Ford are convinced that their customers know some of the advantages of electrified vehicles, but at the same time they are convinced that there are still large differences in knowledge. The performance of all-electric vehicles has changed significantly recently, and education is needed to help customers make the switch. We are in a time of great change, which is exciting but can be scary for some. By offering a range of electrified vehicles – from mild hybrid vehicles to all-electric vehicles – and dispelling some commonly held myths, they want to help them on their way.

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